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Laravel supports job chaining out of the box:
new OptimizePodcast($podcast),
new CompressPodcast($podcast),
new ReleasePodcast($podcast)
It's a nice, fluent way of saying "Run this jobs sequentially, one after the previous one is complete.".
If you have a task which takes some steps to be completed, you can track the job chain used to do that and know the
status for each job.
If you are releasing a new podcast, for example, and it has to be optimized, compressed and released, you can track
this steps by following two steps:
1 - Add a steps
relationship to your Podcast
public function steps()
return $this->morphMany(Junges\TrackableJobs\Models\TrackedJob::class, 'trackable');
2 - Override the trackableType
and trackableKey
methods provided by the Trackable
trait, so this package will track the jobs
and automatically relate it to the Podcast you are working on:
public function trackableKey(): ?string
return (string) $this->podcast->id;
public function trackableType(): ?string
return $this->podcast->gerMorphClass();
This will store the id
and type of your podcast in the tracked_jobs
table. Then, it will be used to retrieve all tracked jobs that were
related to that podcast:
$steps = Podcast::find($id)->steps()->get();